Æther “Barrel Aged”
Title: Æther “Barrel Aged”
The Gin for Whiskey Lovers
AEther Barell Aged Gin combines LMS’s intuition for distillates with their passion for wooden barrel storage. LMS marry their AEther Gin and its pronounced juniper, the roots, fruit and flower petals with a smoky-peated Islay whiskey barrel. The body of the gin is formed in a Heavy-Toast oak barrel with aromas of tobacco, coffee, dark chocolate, and oak. Contrasting these flavors, a fruity taste of berry and the slight sweetness of a freshly emptied port wine barrel give the gin a touch of pink.
LSM – Leipziger Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH
Something about LSM - Leipziger Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH
The LSM (Leipziger Spirituosen Manufaktur gmbH) stands for high quality and craftmanship. Our aspiration is to newly invent classic drinks and give them a fresh spirit. The alchemy brand symbol with steam and a snake is mirroring our craftmanship and our experiences. The development of recipes and the process of extracting aromatic plants, their distillation, as well as the production and bottling of the products are solely in our hands. Botanicals are sourced locally whenever possible, so you do not have to decide between regional products and your favorite spirit. LSM generates work by employing people from the region of Leipzig, we want to spend our time working with friends.
LSM - Leipziger Spirituosen Manufaktur GmbH @ Instagram