
THE DUKE Rough Gin


Title: THE DUKE Rough Gin


In the daily handling of a wide variety of herbs and spices, the appreciation for each individual grows continuously: THE DUKE Rough Gin is dedicated to juniper berries, the most important ingredient of any gin.

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Rough, But Delicious

Thus, the strong juniper in all its fruity-tangy glory determines the appearance of the Rough Gin. A little coriander and the orange peel, which has already proved its worth in the DUKE & Tonic, provide a pleasant freshness. The two classics hops and malt round off "THE DUKE Rough Gin" in the usual mild way.

Origin: Munich, Germany
Type of Gin: Dry Gin
Alc.: 42% – 47%
Price Range: €€






Munich Dry Gin

With our THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin, the previously bleak German gin landscape was presented with a Bavarian version of juniper distillate in 2008. It is now one of the German gin classics and is known far beyond the country's borders. 13 hand-picked ingredients from purely organic cultivation are responsible for the full-bodied aroma. In addition to juniper berries, coriander, lemon peel, angelica root, ginger, lavender flowers, cubeb pepper and other “drugs” are included. Hop blossoms and malt round off the gin and provide a genuine Bavarian touch.




THE DUKE Rough Gin

THE DUKE Rough Gin

In the daily handling of a wide variety of herbs and spices, the appreciation for each individual grows continuously: THE ...
THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin

THE DUKE Munich Dry Gin

The full-bodied aroma of untreated juniper berries were the decisive factor in the making of this gin. In addition, there ...
THE DUKE Wanderlust Gin

THE DUKE Wanderlust Gin

THE DUKE Wanderlust Gin" embodies the feeling of wanderlust and love for your home at the same time. In addition ...

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